10 Reasons To Pick Windows 8 phone Applications Development
There are some things that are now quite evident in the smartphone sector today.There are a lot of common things across platforms in terms of features & functionalities. They are namely – PIM, social media, e-mails clients, web browsers, maps, navigation, office documents, editors, voice handling & personal assistants (Cortona in the case of Windows phone). There are minor differences between different OS’es & devices & users can get a bit of confused in identifying the right smartphone with the right OS for them. But in today’s world, these points are considered no more unique & have become quite historical in nature.
So, in the face of the points mentioned above, what makes Windows 8 phone unique? Why should a buyer choose to buy the same? And on top of it what makes Windows 8 phone applications development an interesting space?
1 – Robust
It’s robust OS! Why so? Because it just doesn’t crash & bring your phone to a grinding halt! You can start a game & at the same time press a Windows key in between & keep loading the game. There is no problem even if you open 40 games together, it will open quickly & swiftly just because it has 512 MB RAM! Windows phone scores over others in this aspect!
2 – Quick & Responsive On Budget Hardware
It’s quick, fast & fluid with interactive user interfaces. It completely re-written & re-thought than other OS’es & that’s where Windows phone differentiates itself from other OS’es. Most importantly, its cost-effective & budget wise better priced than others. Other OS’es need more RAM to function, but Windows phone needs just 512MB RAM making it a budget phone with a budget hardware.
3 – Awesome Start Screen & Lively Tiles
It’s one of the obvious X factors for Windows phones that comes with great start screens & colorful lively tiles which can give a lot for comfort & ease with swiping & switching between apps & programs. The structure, design & the geometry of the tiles are just awesome & very lively! Making it a very preferred OS phone!
4 – Refreshed Look & Feel
The entire look & feel is different as compared to other OS’es which comes with tiles, icons & colors. It gives a refreshed look & feel for the users & gives them soothing effect & satisfied them emotionally. It grabs the eyes of the user instantly & naturally. It gives a breath of fresh air for the users as well! It gives a refreshing feeling for sure to the users!
5 – User-Friendly Navigation
Other OS’es put controls over the top of the screen in the UI’s but Windows phone doesn’t do that! User controls put off the user & irritates the consumer & gives him nothing but just pain for his fingers! With lesser controls, Windows phone is easy to use with a lot of comforts.
6 – Common apps & thinking
There are certain thinking & apps that have been incorporated to maintain certain commonalities in the Windows phone so that the users are a bit comfortable using the phone. Some of the core apps & interfaces are maintained as per just that. So, windows phones are considerate of the users past experiences for sure!
7 – Enterprise Friendly
Its friendly even to enterprises! Why so? It comes with great encryptions & remote management systems which are easily scalable by an IT department of an organization. With a host of personal & enterprise solutions & a history of offering solutions since a very long time, its easy for offering enterprise services to business across the globe for Microsoft. Windows phone surely scores over other OS’es in this area!
8 – Secure & Unhackable
Windows phones are secure, safe & can’t be hacked at all as their roots & codes are very strong. Other OS’es could be insecure but surely not the Windows phones.
9 – Built On High Quality
The inputs that have gone in manufacturing Windows apps & phones are of high quality. So, naturally the price as well as the product are high. On the other hand, other OS’es which are designed reasonably come with lower price tags & quality.
10 -Its Hardwares Are Unique
It has some Hardware Selling Points (HSP). Its technical specifications like Qi charging, high contrasting displays are some of the eye-popping features in Windows phones & this is where it is different from other OS’es.
With all the above wonderful reasons, Windows 8 phone applications is definitely an interesting space for developers & users.