Enterprise Mobile Apps – Changing the Business Scenario
Business and marketing development is very different from what it used to be back in the day. Custom mobile app development is something that has transformed business trends and scenarios. This is apparent in how companies approach different clients and how brands have been able to become visible in the market. There are a number of ways in which custom mobile app development has contributed to the business sector. Below are some of the ways that enterprise mobile apps have affected the business world.
Reduction in Marketing Costs
One of the many changes that enterprise mobile apps have created is a cheaper marketing strategy for businesses. In the earlier days, businesses would thrive by marketing their business through, print, tele-media and in most cases SMS. Today, this is not a priority since business owners can easily access potential customers through different apps. This is a possibility since it is estimated that 80% of internet users own smart phones and are online more than 12 hours a day. Access to customers has therefore become more effective and very affordable for enterprise owners.
Better Communication
In the past, it was a challenging for businesses to clearly understand their customers’ needs since there wasn’t a lot of immediate feedback. This is something that has changed with custom mobile app development. It is estimated that 4 out of 5 potential customers use a smartphone when shopping and that the percentage of people using desktops is lower (49%) the percentage of people using smartphones (51%). This is something very advantageous for business owners because they are able to get feedback from their customers and give immediate response. This has helped in keeping customers satisfied by providing demanded services and products in time.
Improved Customer Satisfaction
With enterprise mobile apps, customers are now able to request services by using different business apps. In most enterprises, customers who do so get immediate service or a discount for using the business app. This has helped in keeping customers satisfied since they are able to receive immediate services at any time Apart from keeping customers satisfied, this is something that has enabled businesses to retain customers and offer higher quality services when demanded.
Easy Targeting
When using the past methods of advertising and marketing, it has difficult for enterprise owners to know whether or not the information was reaching the target audience. This is however something that has changed with custom mobile app development. These apps make it possible to geo-target. This means you can reach your target audience who are in close proximity by setting your app to a specific location. This is time saving and very cost effective.
In conclusion enterprise mobile apps have been very effective for small scale as well as large scale enterprises. They have reduced operational costs, improved targeting and greatly enhanced business capabilities of keeping their customers satisfied. With the rapid growth in technology, it is expected that the business scenarios will change even further since the world is continuously becoming a global village where people can conduct business with each other even when world’s apart.
Author Bio
Martin Brown is a senior marketing executive at Top App Creators, a comprehensive listing service that acts as a platform for app development companies to showcase their services to prospective clients. You can also follow us on Facebook.