7 Tips To Ramp Up The Link Building in 2016
There are a few approaches that businesses adopt earlier:
In 1994– Build the website, people will certainly come
In 2004– Build the app, people will definitely download it
In 2014– Build the social presence, people will surely find you
That was amazing!
BUT, it has now stopped working. Now, you cannot buy the ranking positions.
It doesn’t signify, to improve the search engine ranking, build authority and add credibility to the website, the need of SEO is no more. This is not true at all.
The reason is search engine has changed its rules and introduced new algorithms, and those who have embraced the changes are able to rank at the top positions.
Three things define the site ranking- rankbrain algorithm, quality content and links. It is also specified by the Google that links are the backbone and stays at the core of SEO services. The link building must be of high quality, otherwise it drags down the site ranking.
For link building, white hat SEO services are best to consider. In white hat link building services, link building is done smartly without doing any fraudulent activity or scam and affecting search rankings.
The SEO team that provides quality link building services and backlink building services, do following activities to let your website top the Google ranking charts, which you can also do. Here are some of the things:
1.Create relationships
You have to build the contacts with leading businesses or people in your niche industry. This can be done by joining communities, forums, groups or blogs, and showing your active participation in the discussions through relevant updates, posts or comments. This approach helps you in connecting with the leading personalities, providing access to industry news and getting quality links.
2.Add testimonials
The testimonials are the reflection of how many customers are delighted with your distinct services. When they are happy, they will surely ready to provide the reviews or testimonials about the services they have received. This is something for which you crave for. Right?
Displaying the testimonials not just build the customers’ trust, but a great way to get the backlinks. How?
When the testimonial is published by the companies, they always link back the person to ensure the authenticity of the testimonial. This way you can easily get the backlinks and improve traffic on the site.
How easy it is? Just give a testimonial and get a backlink…
3.Guest posting
The leading websites and blogs allow the organizations to write a blog that can be published on their website. When you are able to publish the guest post, you get the links. But, for quality link building, ensure that the content you are going to publish must be relevant, professional and build good reputation.
Note: Don’t build links unnecessarily. Adding so many anchor texts stuffed with many keywords are easily caught and impact website Google ranking.
4.Convert mentions into backlinks
The product or services you are providing maybe impressed someone or helped the businesses in anyway, and due to the same reason, they have mentioned about your products or services on the internet. But, not linked your website. This is of course of less value as it won’t help in increasing SERP.
You can make it possible just by simply contacting the webmaster and requesting them to turn the mention into link that’s linked to your website.
Another question.
How you can check where you are mentioned and who has mentioned about you? The backlink profiler search tool would help in listing all the websites where you are linked, and when the link status is set to MENTION, the list of all websites you are mentioned is displayed.
5.Earn links with quality content
Content is one of the holy trinity that Google considers to rank the site and get maximum natural backlinks. When useful, valuable and credible content with optimum keyword density is published in various forms, earning the users’ trust becomes a breeze.
You can publish the content in the textual form such as blogs, listing articles, white papers, eBooks, case studies and reviews, and visual form like- presentations, infographics on various channels.
6.Leverage social media
Good content itself won’t get viral, while it has to be pushed to different platforms. To make your content be heard and noticed by the large audience, promoting it on the social media is essential.
Social promotion help in improving the visibility, uplifting the traffic, and gaining new backlinks. The new visitors delighted with the content can comment, share and mention about the site. Also, you can re-promote the same content at different times depending on the user’s time zone.
7.Recover the dead backlinks
When you have changed the web page location, migrated the website to a new domain, re-launched the site on another domain or webmaster has spelled the link incorrectly, all this scenario brings one result that is the links return a 404 error.
It’s very common, but when the links to your website are found broken, it drifts away the users to your competitor.
Leveraging Link Juice Recovery (LJR) tool, you can discover all the backlinks that are broken and help you to redirect all the broken links to the home page by generating an .htaccess code. When the same code is added in .htaccess files, the links of dead pages would be automatically redirected to the defined page.
Link building is an integral part of the SEO to boost search engine ranking and earn a good reputation. Employing the white hat link building techniques, getting instant results in implausible because building the website authority through right ways is a hard nut to crack.
That’s better as opposed to black hat techniques that’s producing immediate results.
Don’t hurt your website by making investment in buying the backlinks. It won’t go for a long run.
It’s good to create the right content, make it reach to the right person at the right time by promoting it in the right way. Employ the SEO experts who help you to grow by leaps and bounds with the Link building services.