How Your Mobile App Can Ameliorate The User Retention?
Once your mobile app is successfully launched, and it has gained a great user base. You are a just half way. The users have used your services just for once.
The remaining half will be completed when you can take hold of these existing fans. It means you have to make the current users keep using the business services.
That’s truly a hard nut to crack!
Retaining the customers is important about which businesses strategize before the app is developed. It plays a major role in driving the success to the business and building the long-lasting relationship with the users.
Why is it so? The reason-
– It’s arduous to find the new users
– It costs pretty penny to acquire new users
Strengthening the bond with existing users would indirectly boost up the sales and ROI. This is the exact result you want to achieve. Right?
This all seems good. But, why the mobile app is more helpful than web presence.
According to the Adobe’s digital marketing report, “It’s proven that the users are more loyal to the brand if they are browsing it with the mobile app as opposed to the website from the mobile device. “
The mobile apps are the golden opportunities for the businesses to deliver their message and make them come back to visit the business services.
The question is, how mobile app can help businesses to tap their potential to the fullest? Take a sneak peek inside it how you can make it possible:
1) Provide the engaging content that engages the users
Users turn to the mobile app to get the particular thing they are looking for in a clutter-free way. They expect the content elaborating about the services must be segregated in the sections so that it can be easily accessed anytime, anywhere.
Also, including extra amenities in the app like- providing access to the exclusive content with private login, the introduction of new features to some users and more, encourage the interaction with the users.
When your mobile app allows the users to search and access the services seamlessly, and provide access to unique features, it makes them feel special and visit the app again.
2) Reach the right users at the right place and right time
Expecting the users to reach your business by themselves is the biggest mistake. Instead, businesses have to reach the users by communicating with them in the real-time and at the right place. That’s where mobile app and advanced technology can help.
Bombarding of the messages to all the users is like shooting in the dark, which should not be practiced, as it instead of engaging the user, annoy them.
With GPS technology, businesses can track if the users are in the close vicinity and based upon the information, they can send push notifications to them according to the users’ demographics or previous purchase.
When businesses approach the customers leveraging the detailed information, the customers definitely look through the content and respond, which in turn improve the interactions and cultivate the loyalty.
3) Grant the special benefits to make the users feel special
If the user has not used the app for a long time, sending a message to them is the best way to remind about the services they are getting. And, if they are constantly using the mobile app, then it’s time to reward their patronage that they had shown.
When the special benefits like- a coupon to get the benefit of other services, offering a discount on the next purchase, or providing a membership, is given to the users, the possibilities of their retention would increase by manifolds.
Besides, the loyal users advocate the services and uplift the positive word-of-mouth.
4) Incentivize the users for their loyalty
Alongside making the current fans feel special, when the extra benefits such as special deals, reward points, gift coupons or additional services, are provided to the users on the mobile app, there is no chance that they will turn to your rival.
These incentives, in reality, would make the loyalty go through the roof and so is the sales.
5) Be available to the users when they need you
The best time to impress and engage the users is when they are trying to connect with you. Providing ultimate support to the users 24/7 with mobile is the best option to know what users anticipate.
Businesses can get in touch with customers with the in-app feedback form that helps them know what services need to be improved, what feature is interfering with the user experience, or how the new version has enhanced the app usability.
When the users get a prompt response to their comments or feedback they have provided, it makes them feel like you are listening to them and always ready to help them in every possible way. This trust lay the stone of the user loyalty and guarantees that users will certainly come back.
Wrap up
The mobile app that most of the time stays most close to the people is an excellent medium for the businesses to lock in the existing users. Leveraging the mobile-first strategy, the businesses can take hold of the existing customers and nurture the bond with them.
The mobile app built intelligently would engage the customers, help businesses to communicate with the users in real-time, make users feel special with rewards, and provide great support to the users.
This create the win-win situation for both businesses and the users!
Shoot up your business popularity, growth and sales by supercharging user retention with mobile app development.