Anti-Phishing Work with Mozilla Firefox Toolbar Development
Phishing is a widespread online fraud that attempts to steal sensitive user information such as user names, passwords and credit card information. The attacks typically combine spam e-mail and fraudulent Web pages that look like legitimate sites. Many Anti-phishing techniques and toolbars have proven their existence, however, creator of phishing programs became stronger and the phishing continued.
How does Anti-phishing work with Mozilla Firefox toolbar development?
Mozilla Firefox toolbar Development Company came up with Anti-phishing toolbar for Firefox. This Firefox toolbar development employs a giant “neighborhood watch scheme” to actively collect URLs involved in phishing. Anti-phishing Firefox toolbar development has potential to attack and prevent malicious pop-ups from hiding where they originated. By using a unique combination of user reporting, suspicious character detection, and the Web Server Survey, this toolbar warns you just in case you are about to visit any phishing web page. An Anti-phishing toolbar developed through custom Firefox toolbar development is a thorough solution to the risk of entering a phishing zone.
Phishing and Malware protection for your custom Firefox toolbar development works by checking the sites that you visit against list of phishing and malware sites. These lists are automatically downloaded and updated every 30 minutes or so when the Phishing and Malware Protection features are enabled. The technical details of the safe-browsing protocol are also publicly available.
The Anti-phishing and malware functions are kept, by default, turned on while your Firefox toolbar development. However, Phishing and Malware Protection options can be enabled with just one click from your Firefox toolbar.
Several phishing test site are available for you to check whether your anti-phishing toolbar is active or inactive. So, Defeat phishing by custom Firefox toolbar development.