A Much Secured Firefox Mobile Lessons Chrome Plugin Development
Web is a different world all together. The place you find useful can also turn out to be malicious. While you safe-guard your computer and are aware of various internet threat, children can easily fall prey putting your computer’s security at stake. I have installed various security plugins for my desktop. My computer works a little slow, however, I cannot compromise with the security.
Portable devices that fit in your palm can give you a better browsing exposure at anytime, anywhere. We secured desktop browsers, but are the mobile browsers secured? What if I apply the same plugins to my mobile browser? Mobile devices have turned out to be highly useful and efficient information providers and can help us do lot more than we could on our desktop; however, the mobile browser security is neglected. Mobile browsers sacrifice a lot of the functionality, privacy tools included, of their desktop brethren simply as a result of space constraints. These devices are accessible to kids and, unfortunately, we cannot secure it the way we secure our desktops.
Thanks to Firefox mobile browser. This browser is meant for faster access and provides security in the form of Firefox add-on. Some really great add-ons are in favor of Firefox. Cleary is a plug-in that gives you a complete privacy from frequent location-based ads and much more. It provides an option “clear” that allows you to select which features are cleared in the preferences pane. One of the enticing features is “Do Not Track” option. This tells advertisers not to track your account and clears all the tracked details. It allows you to clear data every time Firefox is closed.
More to this, Cleary performs all the above without bothering you (it stays hidden). You just have to set the options once, while installing Cleary. Its options stay under the add-ons option screen. Being first of its sort, Cleary enjoys its existence as privacy builder.
Chrome being extensively used, we look forward for its mobile version to bring such features. Google chrome plugin development lagged far behind when compared to Firefox. Google Chrome 10 looks much better; however, Firefox has an advantage above it. To patch what Google lacks every time in its browser, it must enhance and enunciate Chrome plug-in development as extensively as Firefox does.