Monetize Your Desktop Apps with DesktopAd
Desktop apps, today, are at the fear of getting lost amongst the largest crowd of the mobile apps. Today, mobile apps are dominating and are preferred by the users as well as the enterprises looking to promote their business through mobile devices. But, a sign of relief is that even today there is a major percentage or say considerable population amounting to the desktop users and hence, the desktop apps are still at preference. Witnessing this present miserable state of desktop apps, it is quite necessary to make desktop apps the better and more sustainable products for customers. It’s just enough to create desktop apps, spreading awareness about them among the right users is equally important. Moreover, what’s the use of app that does not earn you a penny? So, you also need an effective strategy that can monetize desktop apps and help you earn significant profits.
DesktopAd is just the right platform for desktop app monetization based on effective app promotion and in-app advertising strategies. This is a significant tool that can help you channelize your desktop applications for gaining ultimate exposure through a strong user base. Not all the desktop users would go for downloading your app and moreover, not all downloads to your app can earn you dollars. If you want to earn good bucks from your desktop app, you need to plan a strong monetization strategy for it and this is best possible with DesktopAd. DesktopAd gives its users a readily usable platform so that they can freely choose the most suitable business model for their desktop app that is also acceptable by their target audience.
The modern world where users browse for relevant and best apps for their needs, it’s quite important for the app developers or publishers to initiate an effective strategy that can maximize the outreach of their app to a large number of users. This is exactly what DesktopAd helps to do through in-app advertising strategy. The DesktopAd SDK helps publishers to advertise their desktop apps on the best desktop application platforms, thereby getting millions of users to the app. As a publisher of app, one can effectively make money from their app by getting paid for the relevant clicks on the ad appearing within their app. The more the clicks the more is the money earned for the app publisher. This platform generates a transparent revenue report of the app with real time statistics and thus can help the publishers to better control the revenue earned from their apps.
Both app publishers as well as advertisers can benefit ultimately through this platform. For the app advertisers, this presents a brilliant platform to gain maximum exposure for their ads among the right users. With targeted advertising strategy, one can easily engage their right users to their ads according to the user’s browsing habits. So, for the app developers who want to make money from their app can go for DesktopAd platform to earn income through in-app advertising with one thing assured that only relevant and good ads would appear in their app.
So, in-app advertising is the best strategy to earn revenue from your desktop apps and none other than DesktopAd can provide a good platform for desktop app monetization. Today, there are firms offering reliable desktop app monetization services to help out the app developers get maximum profits from their apps without having to invest time and efforts for the purpose. So, just hire services of such firms which will perform all the tasks on your behalf so that you can earn maximum revenue out of your apps while just relaxing or focusing on your other core tasks.