Top 5 Benefits Of Engineering Universal Windows PlatformApps
Novice players of Windows app development awestruck when they heard about ‘Universal Windows Platform’ (UWP).
When Windows 8 was released, UWP was introduced as the Windows Runtime. The UWP app built over the UWP platform offers the same Windows app experience over the range of device families like- desktop, mobile, Hololens and more.
Presently, Windows 10 release supercharged the platform with tools and technologies to make the UWP app development easier.
Take a glance at the UWP characteristics:
The UWP apps are built for targeting device families not the OS versions. The.AppX packaging format is used to package the apps and they are distributed as an AppX package, which offers reliable installation.The app submitted for different device families can be managed in one place as there is one store for all devices’ apps.
Also, the core APIs of UWP would remain the same for all the device families and if the app is built using just core APIs, then it will be compatible for all devices.
Furthermore, if you want the app to be compatible for particular device families, then Extension SDKs would help you out. The extension SDKs provide APIs for specific device families using which the app can be made responsive for the particular device families.
Let’s dig deeper to know the benefits you will get with the UWP app development:
1.Improve customer experience
UWP appsenable the users to use the app on any device on which they are comfortable at.
Layout panels, universal controls and tooling that are provided by the Windows 10 has optimized the UI of UWP apps to be adaptable for all the Windows devicesthat have different forms of screen resolutions, DPI density, inputs, and other unique characteristics.
It enables the app’s UI to get fit into every device with no image distortion, and the app would accept the inputs through touch, a mouse, a controller or a keyboard.
Adaptive controlsand input, and responsive design enabled the UWP apps to work impeccably on every device.
For instance:The video call app’s UI would remain the same when the user is communicating using desktop and mobile phone. Also, in the desktop, it accepts the input through mouse, while in mobile, it accepts touch input.
2.Ease the development
Nowadays, engineering UWP apps involve no hassle!
Windows 10 has provided one API set, one app package, and one store to extend the app reach to the complete Windows device families.
Yes, developers just need to code for a single UWP app, and the same app would run seamlessly across many devices having distinct UI and even, various interaction models.
It means, a lot of time and efforts get saved.
3.Extend the app’s reach
Increasingly, businesses want to get build the application to widen the reach in minimal time and budget.
If the target platform is Windows, then UWP apps are the best to go for. The apps are compatible for all the Windows 10 devices and target all the device families.
Also, they run on every OS that’s based on the device families and the devices that run on those OS.
When you target the specific version of the device family, then you need to define the APIs for the particular version of device family.The APIs must be available on all the devices you are targeting.
But, now, the UWP apps has stopped supporting the older version of Windows 10. Although the UWP apps built for Windows 8 can be migrated to the Windows 10.
4.Restrict The Support For Some Versions
At times, the UWP app is builtto support the particular OS version of a particular device family and some OS versions are excluded.
The Windows app was built to support just the Windows 10 version of universal device family. Later, when the new Windows version will be released, you want your app to support the new Windows release, but not the preceding OS versions.
It is possible with UWP platforms at the flick of a switch.
5.Limit the app to a device family
Wow! Just the way OS versions support, the support forthe device family and device family subsets can be limited.
Yes, when you don’t want the app to run across all types of devices, then you can restrict the app to certain device families and device family subsets.
It may be possible that the application works perfectly over the desktop and Xbox, but not on the mobile. You need to ensure that the app must include the APIs related to desktop and Xbox device family.
It’s easy to configure. How?
In the app package manifest file, Microsoft Visual Studio by default specify the target device family as Windows.Universal. The device family on which you want to run the app could be determined by manually changing the Target Device Family element in the Package.appx manifest file.
Ready to build UWP apps?
I am pretty sure you want to shape your app idea into UWP apps. Building UWP apps is not only a good experience for the developers, while app users alsoget the amazing experience on different devices.
Developers can use any language such as C#, JavaScript with HTML, Visual Basic with XAML,or C++ with XAMP to build UWP apps.
It’s dandy!
But, you don’t know where to start from, eh!
Don’t panic! We will help you out of this. Total Toolbar’s Windows development team has wide experience and expertise in building apps for UWP platform.
Great! Windows development
So, don’t wait anymore and roll over the UWP app development with us!