Top 7 windows apps development mistakes you must keep away from
Whether health care app for doctors, food app for restaurants, apparels app for boutiques or education app for colleges, mobile applications have made a long way in all the sectors and it is still striving to make a longer way.
With the skyrocketing growth since its inception, the mobile applications are the present and future of our smart age. However, with the constantly releasing new tools and technologies used to develop the windows apps, the room for making mistakes has got even larger for the developers.
Windows application development is one of the most successful career options. However, you must have a proper understanding of some of the most common pitfalls possible during the process of development. So, let us take a look at some of the most common blunders committed by most windows app developers, so that you do not repeat the same mistakes.
1. Doing an Inadequate research: Most people begin the development without spending the adequate time for the research, which is one of the biggest mistakes. Before you begin to build app, you must do the complete research about the industry that it belongs to.
2. Failing to plan: People, who fail to plan before they start, fail! Yes, it is important to plan what, when and how you are going to develop the app.
3. Being a copy cat: There are so many apps already existing in the Windows app store. The one you submit will just be another app, which might come in notice to anyone. So, instead of copying someone else’s app, you must come up with a new idea or concept which will bring in the attention of everyone.
4. Forgetting the end user: Have you ever heard of a quote, ‘customer is king’? Well, the app you build will be used by customers after all. So, it should be designed in such a way that it is easy to understand and use by naïve users too.
5. Focusing on features instead of benefits: The success of an app doesn’t depend upon the number of features. It is not necessary to fill in all the advanced features into the app. Instead focus upon the benefits that users will get by using the app and release the app as soon as possible with minimum features. Then, you can add up features in advanced versions of the app, later on.
6. Not spending time for testing: Of course, there are high chances of bugs. It is not necessary you develop the perfect app, the first time. So, make sure you test the app before making it live.
7. Marketing after submitting the app: Instead of promoting your app after the submission, it would be great if you start the marketing two to four weeks prior to the submission, so that people know about it well in advance.
Wrapping up…
By looking at the list of the windows app development mistakes, you would have realized that these are some of the most common blunders which can be made by any developer; and it takes no time to destroy your app. So, make sure you keep away from such blunders and focus on the best practices of the windows application development.